Afterschool Research
This section contains research materials the Afterschool Alliance has produced over the past 15 years. Find the resource that best fits your needs by searching by document type or by issue area. Dive into our vast collection of research resources that show afterschool programs are keeping kids safe, inspiring learning, and helping working families across the country.
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Afterschool Impacts Database
Our Impacts Database offers a searchable collection of more than 130 evaluation summaries and impacts data that speaks to the effect that afterschool and summer learning programs have on youth outcomes. The database includes a variety of different outcome data that users can search for, such as student gains in academic achievement and behavior, improvement in social and emotional skills, and outcomes related to health and wellness from a diverse set of programs across the country.
Explore Afterschool Impacts Database

Afterschool Spotlight on the Snack
Our blog, The Afterschool Snack, brings you the latest updates and news from the afterschool world, from policy and funding opportunities to success stories from the field and youth voice spotlights.
Explore Afterschool Spotlight on the Snack

Community Learning Hubs
Community Learning Hubs are community-driven efforts to support students’ learning and well-being, providing safe places to connect to school, caring adults, and additional services. To understand how afterschool programs are serving children and youth in Community Learning Hubs, we conducted interviews with 32 afterschool programs, intermediaries, or school districts in 18 states. The interviewed programs represent the diversity of afterschool field and encompass programs located in urban, rural, and suburban communities.
Explore Community Learning Hubs

Principles of Expanded Learning
As more and more young people return to school buildings, and school leaders consider how to offer students extra learning opportunities through newly designed school days and school years, expanded learning programs are more essential than ever before
Explore Principles of Expanded Learning

Quality Afterschool: Helping Programs Achieve It and Strengthening Policies to Support It
For years, policy makers, program directors and parents have attested to the widespread benefits of afterschool programs. Fortunately, a wide variety of research ranging from quantitative studies and polls to qualitative reports and field observations has corroborated the need for afterschool enrichment.
Explore the Issue Brief

Building and using evidence in summer, afterschool and other out-of-school time settings.
Using resources provided by the American Rescue Plan (ARP), States, Districts and their partners have the opportunity to use out-of-school time (OST) to address the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on students, families, and their communities.
Explore Institute of Education Sciences